Advocating for the support and education of gifted children in Massachusetts since 1977.
Our Mission
The mission of MAGE is to:
support and advance the understanding of high potential/gifted children and their special needs;
promote the establishment of programs, services, and opportunities for high ability/gifted students; and
encourage the exchange of information pertaining to gifted individuals among educators, parents, policy-makers, and students on the national, state, and local level.
We recognize the need to provide every Massachusetts student, regardless of cultural or socio-economic background, the opportunity to be educated in a manner that is fully commensurate with his/her ability or talent without restriction.
Our Vision
Gifted and talented learners have unique potential and diverse needs that deserve to be recognized, supported, and respected. We envision a time when teachers and parents are all trained to understand and help bright students reach their potential in the most effective way possible. We envision a time when an equitable, appropriate, and challenging education, aligned with their potential, is delivered to all children.
“If not for MAGE, I wouldn’t have stepped out of my comfort zone to take opportunities to speak on my discomfort.”
To Create Community—a community of shared interests and values pertaining to gifted individuals and gifted education
To Disseminate Information—information on education, challenges, and needs of high ability/gifted children
To Advocate – in support of public policies appropriate to these goals
To Provide Professional Development - provide professional development for those in the education profession on characteristics of this population, the challenges they face, and strategies for supporting them. This can be in partnership with higher education institutions or directly
To Offer Services - services to children to meet their specific needs, and to provide advice and advocate on their behalf with schools/districts
To Award – to offer recognition to individuals promoting MAGE’s objectives as well as gifted students deserving recognition.
Increase the understanding of the special needs of bright, gifted, high-potential, twice-exceptional (2E), and gifted underachievers in parent and educator communities
Establish opportunities for all gifted children and youth in Massachusetts
Increase understanding of this population among state legislators
Involve higher education institutions
Expand our regional support networks (Cambridge, Springfield, Central, Foxboro)
Expand our membership
Increase content on our website, and information in MAGE newsletters.
Provide professional development to educators on gifted education
Provide access to scholarships for student enrichment programs
Maintain a fiscally sound organization
Equity is at the heart of our work
The Massachusetts Association for Gifted Education (MAGE), advocates every day for the state to provide all children equitable access to a public school education that is fully aligned with their abilities and talents, without restrictions.
MAGE stands against all forms of discrimination and discriminatory policies and practices. MAGE does not discriminate on the basis of age, neurodiversity, gender identity, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, ethnicity, race, color, religion, language, national origin; or physical, psychological, or intellectual ability.
About our Logo
We would like to acknowledge the excellent graphic design work of Nicholas Santangelo. Thank you for your time and talent.