Providing support and advocacy for the gifted and talented students of Massachusetts
More than 90,000 gifted students in Massachusetts are learning without proper assessment and support*
The Boston Globe explores vanishing gifted education (pdf)
*Gifted Education in the United States: System Failure, Access Denied
Our mission is to support and advance the understanding of high potential/gifted children and their special needs.
MAGE co-Presidents on supporting educational excellence in MA:
“Equity paradox: Minority, low income students suffer most from lack of gifted programs in Massachusetts
MAGE co-presidents Michelle Barmazel and Karen Blumstein said opportunities for gifted students are available - but only if families can afford them” (pdf)
Finding community is an important part of the MAGE experience; events are just one of the ways you can do that.
Join us for our monthly MAGE Days, where we come together to learn, connect, and enjoy special events or learning opportunities.
Become a member to join one of our members-only webinars on topics like Asynchronous Learning, Advocating for Acceleration, or Understanding the Zone of Proximal Development in Learners.
Have your voice heard at one of our Advocacy planning meetings, providing public comment at the DESE Gifted & Talented Advisory Council Meetings, or writing to your legislator.
There are so many different ways to get involved!
Thank you to our Speakers & Sponsors for an amazing 2024 Symposium on Gifted Education!
Ticketed Attendees Enter the Virtual Platform here
*In partnership with Harvard Alumni for Education
Questions? Contact: conference@massgifted.org
We’re with you all the way.
Support for Parents
Parenting a gifted, 2E, or 3E child has its unique joys and challenges. Explore resources for expanding your own understanding of giftedness and gifted education.
Resources for Educators
Discover ways to enrich and expand curriculum for students while employing the latest tools, strategies, and practices.
Just for Kids
Are you a gifted kid? Check out some special activities, videos, groups, downloads, and websites just for you!

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